Sunday, April 27, 2008

Treatment of Marfan Syndrome

There is no cure for Marfan syndrome. People who are diagnosed will have the syndrome for life. Although their is no cure, treatments are available to help with the problems associated with Marfan syndrome. Heart medications can be prescribed for mummers, circulation disorders, and weakness of the heart valves. Beta-blockers can also be used to decrease stress on the arteries. Glasses can be worn to help with vision problems and other problems can be treated as needed. Annual evaluations of the skeletal system are needed to detect changes in the sternum and ratios of growth. Regular checkups of the heart are also needed because this is such a fragile and important organ.

Marfan Syndrome affects many parts of the body meaning people with the syndrome should see a number of doctors. A pediatrician should be seen for regular health care and can recommend the patient to specialists. A cardiologist, an orthopaedist, and an ophthalmologist can be seen to treat problems with the syndrome as needed. Also a geneticist can be seen for certain patients although it is not needed for most.

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